Monday, April 5, 2010

6th Grade Community

This morning we discussed the word entitlement. Recently our community has been abusing our rights. Read OUR Community Creed:

Our community will be right-minded as we are focused throughout our day.
We will always be engaged and mentally active.
We will honor out classmates for being trustworthy and courageous and accepting their responsibilities.
We will work together to build loyal friendships and to ensure that everyone is learning.
Out community will take charge and help each other to make superb decisions.

In an appropriate 6th grade response, reflect on our Community Creed and our discussion about "entitlement". Include anything that you believe your teachers need to know about our community and recent behaviors. Your teachers will be reading your responses but these responses will NOT be viewed by your community unless you give us your permission.


  1. This community is falling apart because not that many students care about the creed, some students think that they’re entitled to some of the privileges we get, and we haven’t really been honest. The creed means nothing to my most of my classmates. A couple of my classmates think that they are the only ones entitled to attention. Some of us though really aren’t telling the truth. This community makes me wonder is it okay to trust anyone?

    The creed is a very special part of our community. No one really cares about the creed anymore since the beginning of the year. The teachers are the only ones that reminded us from September until December about the creed every time someone did something wrong. We made the creed and we are not living by it at school. Now the creed is just being ignored.

    Us students are not entitled to anything at school but our own stuff.
    Classmates are now taking away privileges and class time. What our classmates really want is attention. They can get attention when we are all bored (like when we are down in the dumps) they shouldn’t steal from us. Why do they crave for something everyone should have?

    Honesty is the best policy! Some of my classmates are stealing and I don’t know whom. We don’t really trust one another. We should stick together but, honesty and trust are two things I give but I just don’t think I can give as much as before. Who can trust and be honest in this community?

    This community needs to be put back together. I want us to be a better community. I am not entitled to many things and neither are my classmates. I want things to be fair; I want to trust my classmates again. This isn’t a community unless we trust each other and can tell the truth. Until then we are in the need to find a way to the path of a community.

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  5. Isaiah martinez 6bApril 5, 2010 at 8:31 AM

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